CHRISTIAN | Photographed by Dean Farrell


founded April 2007
kids photographed to date 1,452


It was in the fall of 2006 when I first met Carie Frabotta while volunteering for a Phoenix Children's Hospital fundraising event, Matthew's Day, benefiting the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.  Matthew was a young boy who lived in our community that passed away of cancer and we both wanted to help raise awareness... { more }
It was in the fall of 2006 when I first met Carie Frabotta while volunteering for a Phoenix Children's Hospital fundraising event, Matthew's Day, benefiting the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.  Matthew was a young boy who lived in our community that passed away of cancer and we both wanted to help raise awareness for childhood cancer and honor Matthew's memory. Carrie was the Chapter Director in Phoenix at the time and had been asked to join the Flashes of Hope team opening up camps around the country.  She was looking for a replacement and asked me to join her for coffee to see if I was interested.  It didn't take much to convince me that this was a great organization and opportunity - she had me at the first black and white images of a beautiful little girl who was fighting for her life.  
I am no stranger to cancer.  My father passed away of cancer and my mother is a cancer survivor.  I lost two of my grandparents and my most beloved cat to cancer. There is no nice way to put it - CANCER SUCKS!  I have been involved with Flashes of Hope for six years now and I have been amazed and humbled by the hundreds of children and families I have met over the years.  I will do whatever I can to support a child battling cancer and his or her family.  My wish is to see cancer eradicated.  I have watched many parents shed tears of sadness and tears of joy watching their child be photographed.  I have been moved to tears many times as well.  These children light up a room and leave an impression that you will never forget.  It is for these reasons that I treasure the opportunity I have been given to be a Flashes of Hope Chapter Director.

Chapter Director(s)

Lisa O'Brien
[ bio ]
Lisa O'Brien
Cari Miller
[ bio ]
Cari Miller

Chapter Information


Shoot Locations

Cardon Children's Medical Center
Phoenix Children's Hospital

Chapter Sponsor

Phoenix Suns

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